SORTDIR v1.02 (C)1991 Cornel Huth 9-Sep-1991 Description: Directory packer and sorter. Works with 320/360K, 720/1.44M, and 1.2M floppy, hard drives and also large partition hard drives (32MB+). ASM source included. C>SD [options] * sort current directory by filename [options] options: SD /e * by ext.filename (default) SD /n * by filename.ext SD /h * help with anything other CLP NOTES: See source code header for more information. Code requires DOS 3.2+ for IOCTL functions. Requires MASM 5.1 to assemble. Should work on any DOS machine since everything is DOS done. User documentation, you're looking at it. LIMITATIONS (some could be considered benifits): Operates on current drive/current directory only. Will not sort entries prior to any hidden, system, or subdirectory entries. Root directory must lie in the first 64K sectors of the DOS drive(no problem). FAT must be less than 64K (no problem). Maximum of 1792 directory entries per subdirectory (seems like enough). Sort source not included (how does that grab you?) Being a programmer I'm always deleting working files. I like to keep my subs packed and files grouped by extension. 32MB+ parts made Norton DS unusable so PCTools 4.22 had been used to sort subdirs on large DOS 3.31 parts. HOWEVER, in writing this code (using PCT422 for direct disk access) I noticed PCT422 becomes real flakey (try accessing, say, cluster# 18,000, or even 10,000)--a real good reason to have a dir sort program written for large partitions. NOTICE: NOTICE: NOTICE: NOTICE: NOTICE: NOTICE: NOTICE: NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> THIS SOURCE CODE IS *NOT* PUBLIC DOMAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------- I allow you to modify this source ONLY for your personal, non-commercial use. You may NOT distribute this source if altered in any way. You may NOT distribute any directory sorting program derived from this source. If you can't abide by these terms then don't use any of this code. Report bugs to: FIDONET 80xxx conference